Arquint, Angelina

Personal information

Organizational affilition

Teaching Assistant


external page Eawag

Angelina Arquint

BU G07
external page Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf

+41 58 765 51 58


Jukka Jokela

Enlarged view: Angelina Arquint
Angelina Arquint

As a member of the Acquatic Ecology teaching team, I organize and conduct excursions, practicals and experiments for biology and environmental sciences bachelor and master students from ETH and University of Zurich. The topics revolve around aquatic ecology, with lake and river ecology, macro- and microinvertebrates and algal taxonomy as well as ecological parasitology being some of the main examples. In addition, I support the group in various projects in the field or in the lab.

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