Who we are
Prof. Jukka Jokela

My research focuses on short term evolutionary responses to ecological and environmental change, host-parasite coevolution, local adaptation and invertebrate immunoecology.
Dr. Claudia Buser

In 2023 I moved on to new shores as the head of the Institute for mathematical, natural sciences and technical education at the St.Gallen University of Teacher Education. But I also still supervise my students in the Aquatic Ecology group, who continue to work on species coevolution in variable ecological habitats. Specifically, we investigate how environmental conditions (and ecosystem engineering) affect coevolution, and the rate and costs of adapting to environmental change. More info here
Dr. Frida Feijen

I am working on host-parasite interactions. More specifically, I focus on the trematode parasite Atriophallophorus winterbourni and its host, the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Although P. antipodarum is an invasive species that has colonised freshwater habit on several continents, I study the snail and its parasite in their native range in New Zealand. The study system is of great interest since natural populations of the snail in New Zealand often consist of a mixture of clonally reproducing females and sexually reproducing males and females. Download More info here
Giulia Lin

I am a PhD student in Jukka Jokela's group, working on the challenging question of whether mitochondria are involved in the origin of apomictic parthenogens. More info here
Nadine Tardent

I am a PhD student in Jukka Jokela’s group, working on topics about sex, ploidy and parasites. More info here
Thomas 'Tommy' Travers Cook

I am PhD student co-advised by Claudia Buser and Jukka Jokela. I work on matters relating to coevolution, cooperation and antagonism. More info here

Rudi is a dogtoral student and the designated therapy dog of our group. He loves to be cuddled, but he is also helping to assess the current literature, going carefully through the papers, tearing apart what’s not good enough. Working closely together with the lab manager, his main topics of interest include: studying the olfactory effects of nitrogen impact through canine urination along streams, identifying the nutritious status of diverse organic matters in various stages of decomposition.
Dr. Kirsten Klappert
Lab Manager

I have a dual role as a Lab Manager within the Aquatic Ecology Department at Eawag and as a Senior Research Technician in Jukka's Lab. My responsibilities include organizing the (Molecular Genetics) Labs and managing the designated experimental facilities at Eawag known as "Aquatikum". Additionally, I provide support as a field assistant and offer assistance to members of our research group as they study the co-evolution of parasites and their hosts, specifically exploring how this inter-species relationship influences the maintenance of sexual reproduction. More info here
Tamara Schlegel
Lab Technician

I am a lab technician in the Jokela lab and my work includes the following topics: PO-like activity measurements, DNA/RNA extraction, PCR, library prep, Microsatellites, Fieldwork and Husbandry of aquatic organisms.
Pascal Bucher
Animal Caretaker and Technician

I take care of all the little creatures the group works with and I help to maintain and build the devices to keep them happy.
Bettina Dubach
Nicola Mayrhofer

I am organising and teaching student courses and excursions that are offered by the Aquatic Ecology Department of Eawag.
Angelina Arquint

As a Teaching Assistant in the Jokela Group I organize and conduct student courses offered by the Aquatic Ecology Department of Eawag.
Andres Grolimund

I am part of the teaching team and responsible for planning and conducting courses and excursions for environmental sciences and biology students.
Arianne Maniglia

I work in the administration of the Institute of Aquatic Ecology at Eawag, as well as for Prof. Jukka Jokela's group Aquatic Ecology in the Department of Integrative Biology (IBZ) in the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS) of ETH. Most of the time I work from my office at Eawag in Dübendorf.
All students of the Aquatic Ecology group can be found in the Department of Aquatic Ecology at Eawag, BU G11, +41 58 765 5312.
Our current students are:

Vincent Pas
I am a master's student in Jukka Jokela's group. As part of my master thesis, I am investigating snail parasite communities and invasive species densities in Swiss lakes.

Elizabeth Schefer
I am a master's student in Jukka Jokela's group.