Mayrhofer, Nicola

Personal information

Organizational affilition

Teaching Assistant


external page Eawag

Nicola Mayrhofer

BU G07
external page Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf

+41 58 765 52 45


Jukka Jokela

Enlarged view: Nicola Mayrhofer
Nicola Mayrhofer

I am a member of the Aquatic Ecology teaching team where I organise and teach practical courses and excursions for bachelor and master students (biology and environmental sciences) from ETH and from the University of Zurich. The main topic of courses that I teach are lake & river ecology and invertebrate & algae taxonomy. Further courses include topics such as ecological parasitology, experimental ecotoxicology and invasive species ecology. Additionally, I take care of the macroinvertebrate-collection maintenance and support the groups in various research projects including field and lab work.
Furthermore, I am interested in evolutionary biology and am working part-time in the Evolutionary Biology research group of Gregory Velicer, also hosted by the Institute of Integrative Biology.

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