Klappert, Kirsten, Dr.

Personal information

Organizational affilition

Lab manager


external page Eawag

Kirsten Klappert

BU G16 & NO 219
external page Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf

+41 58 765 55 14



Enlarged view: Kirsten Klappert
Kirsten Klappert

Kirsten is one part lab manager (mostly) and one part researcher (sometimes). She organises the molecular genetics lab and manages the experimental animal facilities of the Aquatic Ecology at Eawag. Another important part of her work is to help as a field assistant and to support the Jokela group in their research on the co-evolution of hosts and their parasites and the influence of this inter-species relationship interaction on the maintenance of sexual reproduction.

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